Tuesday, June 3, 2014

My tips for confidence on and off stage!

I am a strong believer in maximizing your schedule and taking every opportunity that may come to you. I have learned so much from trial and error, and knowing what is right for me or not. 
One of the biggest challenges of competing in pageantry is becoming what you see is perfect or ideal and learning to accept what you can't change.  

There have been many parts of me that I have wanted to change, like my ears for example. I even at one point met and was about to schedule plastic surgery to have them pulled back! I ended up chickening out and now realize that those certain people in my past who always felt the need to make a negative comment were only trying to bring me down because they may have felt bad about something in their own life. 

My mantra is: 
-Accept most opportunities (unless your instinct is screaming NO) 
-No one is perfect but put yourself out there and trust that God has put you in the right place at the right time 
-Positive affirmations (I am beautiful, I am worthy, I am healthy, I am wealthy, I have a fabulous closet full of designer shoes - hehe) 
-show gratitude and thanks to those who help you and God

By realizing that you are who you are meant to be and that is perfect, you can then begin to make choices and live your life towards that. I don't believe things happen by accident and I repeatedly see my life and patterns that do not seem correlated at the time until I look back.