Saturday, April 12, 2014

Miss Santa Monica USA

I will be competing this Sunday for the Miss Santa Monica USA 2015 title. After a lot of brainstorming I have come up with a few of my pageant related goals that I would want to accomplish within my year. 

A few of my goals include: 
- Hosting a charity drive for homeless women for beauty and hygiene products. 
- Be able to speak to various youth groups able following your dreams 
- Finally launch my clothing line and use my pageant sisters as models!
-Spread awareness and encourage people to become Big Brothers or Big Sisters, a program which I have recently joined

Regardless of the outcome of a pageant I think that competing has helped me personally to to take action of my own dreams and clarify what I want to do and the actions I need to take. 

I am so excited for my upcoming chaorty drive which will be held in the LA that I will post more about! 

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