Thursday, October 31, 2013

Interview with Brittany Daniel Miss Auburn USA

I met Brittany Daniel while on set of a television show. She was wearing her actual pageant gown when I met her, so of course this started a conversation of how I was planning on doing Miss Polonia CA later that year. I wanted to interview her because she has competed in many local and regional beauty pageants and I wanted to know what her experience was like! She is also a very sweet southern belle with a lot of exciting upcoming projects!

Brittany Dawn Daniel is of Native American descent, and originally from Tuscaloosa, AL. She recently moved to California in June in persuit of her dream of becoming an actress. She is a former Miss Central High School (Tuscaloosa, AL), Tuscaloosa Junior Miss contestant (Tuscaloosa, AL), Miss Tuscaloosa Cinderella (Tuscaloosa, AL), Miss Auburn University contestant (Auburn, AL), Miss Auburn-Opelika contestant (Opelika, AL), Miss Auburn USA 2013, Miss Alabama USA 2013 contestant, Miss Pelham 2013 (Pelham, AL). She has appeared on Queen Latifah's talk show, The Doctors, and has a role in the new feature film, Helicopter Mom. She is also a spokesmodel for Alabama's Youth Drug Prevention Program.
Q. How did you start doing beauty pageants? I was influenced by my mother and grandmother! My mother started putting me in beauty pageants when I was a baby, and I’ve always had a lot of support from friends and family.
Q. What is the most important thing you have learned from doing beauty pageants? The most important thing I have learned from doing beauty pageants is that you MUST have self-confidence, and always believe in yourself. Usually only one queen is crowned, therefore not everyone can be a winner, but my advice is to never give up on your dreams.
Q. What was it like competing in the state pageant? It was a wonderful experience! I met so many smart beautiful ladies from all over the state of Alabama, as well as, other titleholders that came to cheer us on, such as, Miss Louisiana USA, Miss South Carolina USA, Miss North Carolina USA, and former Miss Alabama USA, Katherine Webb. We all had fun joking around with each other during the weekend, learning our opening number dance, and making friendships & memories that will last a lifetime. I was very nervous competing at a state level, but once you hear the crowd cheering for you, your nerves seem to calm down a little, and you want to show the judges that you’re the one who deserves the crown!
Q. What are some beauty tips & tricks? If you are going to spray tan, I recommend not waiting too close to the pageant date because you don’t want to have any streaks or look like an orange. Make sure to take care of your skin with a daily cleansing regimen, even after long days, you don’t want break outs. Drink, drink, and drink some more water, and challenge yourself to cut sodas completely out of your diet. Your skin will look beautiful and it’s great to stay hydrated. Make sure your evening gown and swim suit are the best for your body type. Many girls make the mistake of just grabbing what looks good on the hanger, take the time to see if it brings out your skin tone, hair color, & body shape. Everyone is unique, and deserves a unique dress! If your hair has no volume, is thin, or not exactly the length you are going for, then you should invest in hair extensions. They are easy to style, and you can remove them if you want to switch up hair styles for each stage of the competition. Bring at least two sets of fake eye lashes and your own make up mirror because it always helps to have extras, it can get extremely crowded backstage. Don’t forget pageant swim suit glue (butt glue), you will need this to keep your pageant suit in place as you walk across the stage.

Q. What are some networking tips and sponsorship ideas you used?
I started by creating a Facebook fan page and inviting all of my friends and family, while encouraging them to share my page with others. I made sure to keep my page updated as much as possible because people wanted to follow my entire journey to the crown. I held a cake & sweets sale, and volunteers donated their baked goods for me to raffle off. A family friend offered to cook boston butts & holiday hams, so that I could sell them, and I covered the cost of the meat, which was also discounted for me. I contacted all of my family & friends, and sent out packages to members of my community, so that I could gain their support & sponsorship, while I represented my title area in the state pageant. Lastly, I designed a t-shirt, which not only supported me as Miss Auburn USA 2013, but also supported the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s Great Strides walk, where half of the proceeds went to the foundation
Q. How do you prepare for a pageant? First of all, I start by watching what I am eating, to ensure that I am eating healthy and no junk food. Secondly, I combine healthy eating with a strict daily exercise routine. I made sure to keep up with current events. I sent out a sponsorship package along with my pageant headshot to potential sponsors to help cover all my expenses for the pageant. Right before the pageant I did something to calm my nerves and take a break from the upcoming competition, I went hunting! Make sure you take a small break from the pageant world and clear your mind.

Interview by : Mia Danilowicz

How I De-stress & Unwind

Since getting back from New York less then two weeks ago, I have felt as though my life has gotten busier then ever! I have picked up a new weekend job teaching! And made time for my promotional modeling work, on top of being a full time student and being employed full time. I also have been completing my application for Miss California USA, which i just mailed today! Finding last minute sponsors and funding has not been 100% easy; but I am overjoyed with how many people support this dream of mine. I am so blessed to have you all! So, I wanted to share with you some key habits of mine that help de-stress and keep me going from project to project. 


I do live in California so its sometimes too warm to enjoy a cup of tea, but i love to sip it at night. I just purchased Yogi's Honey Lavender Stress Relief which I think is my favorite so far. I also like peppermint and chamomile teas (I drink a lot of coffee throughout the day, so it has to be caffeine free from me after 4 PM). 

My Puppy 
Lala is my Chihuahua-dachshund dog. He is the sweetest thing ever! I love just relaxing at home, he is the perfect lap dog. 

I think I am the only person in LA who actually likes driving- not that we don't do it for 2 hours a day already. My favorite thing in the world is to take a drive down PCH, so relaxing.  

Online / Window Shopping
I never watch tv, I don't get home until 9 or 10 everyday, so by the time I am done cleaning, walking the dogs, etc. its my bed time. But i do enjoy de-stress by online shopping, or visiting my favorite stores. Even when I am not purchasing anything, I love and need to see all of the latest collections and get ideas for future purchases ;). 

Family /Friends 
I am so lucky to know the coolest people and have the best family ever. They are always there to be my voice of reason, and support ever decision I make. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Interview with Courtney Bentley of Star Systemz

I met Courtney in 2012. She had just moved back to Los Angeles after living in Cabo San Lucas. I chose to interview her because Star Systemz is living proof that hard work, making goals and having self control can make you into the person you want to be. Courtney lives by what she teaches, and it works! Her blog and personal journey is also very inspirational, and she has helped me to realize some of my dreams.
My goal, as a little girl, was to be a prima ballerina, this of course changed when I entered into high school and boys, homecoming and cheerleading took over. I have always been active and interested in a healthy life although it took me until the age of 19 years old to actually research and transition from McDonalds to Whole Foods. I am certified through NASM as a CPT, Youth Exercise Specialist and Women's Health Certification. I also have dipped in to TRX, Cross-fit, Pilates and Ballet Barre. In college I knew I wanted to learn more about health and nutrition so I changed my degree from Computer Science to Nutrition and graduated with an Associates of Science degree in Health and Nutrition. I have been featured as a Fitness expert on, run the health section on the Jackie Fame Network, have been published in a few books and have worked with the famed, fabulous and even a super model. My passion is not only in fitness and health but is in helping women gain confidence in themselves and to teach them how to live a healthier lifestyle.

Q. What is Star Systemz? How is Bangkok and your transition there? 
Star Systemz was created as a program dedicated to teaching women how to shine like a star. In other words, my goal is to inspire women to get fit, eat healthy and empower ladies to be confident everyday! I created an official Star Systemz Fitness method in college and just recently launched my Star Diet Plan which is a ten day jumpstart to eating clean. My fitness method and diet plan go hand and hand and are a result of my personal journey of trying everything from working out for two hours to taking diet pills which of course do not work. My fitness method is combination of my background which is Ballet, Pilates, Weight Lifting and HIIT Cardio. I most recently moved to Bangkok where I started the group The Bangkok Babes. I host bootcamps every Sunday at the park as a way to create a fit community of women who support and inspire each other. The beauty of living in Bangkok is the abundance of fresh foods and being able to walk everywhere.

Q. Do you have a favorite workout? Favorite meal? When I am not practicing my Star Systemz Method I enjoy taking a dance cardio class like Cardio Barre. Cardio Barre is a fun way for me to switch things around, work on my flexibility and have a great time! My all time favorite meal is egg whites with spinach, kale with a few sprinkles of Himalayan Sea Salt cooked in Coconut Oil next to a Pomelo or grapefruit paired with a green tea latte <--almond milk of course
Q. What motivates you to go to the gym even after a long day? I keep motivational quotes and photos in my phone gallery. I always say if you really want to make a change in your life you need to be passionate about it and make the decision to just do it. Plus, a killer playlist never hurts either.

Q. Tell me what a typical day looks like? (I was actually very curious to know this, Courtney has recently moved from LA to Bangkok, which is quite a change!)
Every morning I wake up, do my AM routine of hot lemon water, dry brushing, oil pulling and apple cider vinegar and walk my dogs. During this time I am also organizing my day and writing down what needs to get done by the end of the day and what I can do if I have down time that will keep me productive. I make breakfast and design my workout for that day while eating with my husband. Since we workout together we try and stay on the same body part since we both split train. We head to the gym, sweat up a storm and get ready for the day. I prepare lunch or we head to the British Club in Bangkok to eat lunch and work online. We both work online so we like to set up shop outside of the home on the occasion to get out of the house. We both work for a few hours, I set up blog posts, answer emails, write articles and workouts for clients. We head home have a snack and continue working. During this time I either go and train clients via skype or try to create YouTube content. Dinner time comes and after dinner the states are awake so we try and make important phone calls and keep in touch with everyone before heading to bed.
Q. Who inspires you? Any favorite quotes? I have two inspirations Monica Parodi of P90x and Chalene Johnson. Both women are fitness gurus and extraordinary business women. My favorite quote for this year is, if you don't ask you won't know. I am not sure who said it but I always say it to myself when fear of hearing no creeps up.
Website: My Diet Plan: YouTube: Twitter: @StarSystemz Facebook: StarSystemz

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


 I wanted to write a post about my journey in education. I took an alternative route in this, but am so grateful for all of my experiences and people I have met along the way! This coming December I will finally graduate with my Bachelor's in Science in Business Management. I received two different Associates in Art's degrees before this. 

One was from my local community college in Washington, South Puget Sound. I started college in my senior year of high school, and would strongly suggest everyone to go this route if possible! The classes were paid for, and my only expense were books and supplies. After graduating high school I received an Achievement in Arts scholarship for the school, which was enough to pay for the rest of my degree. 

Soon after high school I went to New York for a Fashion Design Summer Program at Pratt Institute. My dream has always been to have my own fashion collection and dress celebrities for the red carpet, so I jumped on the chance to study in New York. 

I had applied to 12 different colleges and received over $100,000 in scholarships and grants. But my dream college was Pratt Institute, I remember I stayed up all night waiting for my acceptance letter, and cried when it started with Unfortunately.... The school looks for a students who have a fine arts background- and that was not exactly something I had. My high school didn't really offer classes to help build portfolios or anything like that, so I was very limited.My specialty has always been hand work, sewing and beading garments. So attending their summer program was the next best thing in my books. 

After this program I packed my life and shipped it in boxes to Chicago to attend SAIC- The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. I loved the city so much, but it was much much colder then what I was used to. I was enrolled full time- and actually did a few online classes from my community college at the same time. At one point I was taking 9 different college classes. I left Chicago almost a year later and I applied and got accepted to Western Washington University. I was there for only a quarter and remember taking one costume making class where my teacher's experience was working in a factory sewing sleeping bags. 

After this my sister and I decided to both move to Los Angeles. I was accepted to FIDM in LA the year before, and luckily they give you a year to decide if you want to attend. I really liked my time there, and the Fashion Design program made me into the person I am today. After working full time for a solid year I decided I did want to return for my Bachelor's. I did my entire program online while working full time! 

I plan on starting my MBA program next year. Looking back on this journey seems so crazy. Sometimes I wish I hadn't hopped around so much, but I did get to experience all of these cities and know I love LA and California the most. What struck me most about this today is that I had no idea that I would be doing what I am doing now, life is actually better then what I predicted. My advice to anyone who is applying for school is to be persistent, choose the path that is right for you (not your family, friends or boyfriend), and to always be persistent. Even when I faced rejection I always knew that maybe that's not exactly right for me for a reason! 

Stain Remover

My secret weapon is the Dryel pen. I purchase these in wholesale quantities because they can work a miracle. I would not use a stain remover to clean anything satin or that has a satin finish as it will leave a watermark. I've used the Dryel pen on everything from silk chiffon wedding gowns to cotton blouses. It even works to get sunless tanning products out of white. Always put a towel underneath the stain so the dirt does not bleed through! 

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Pageant and Glamour Photography Tips

Thomas Christopher has been shooting professionally since about 2006. He found a passion for photography while living in Japan on the JET Program. He would teach English during the week and shoot street photography around Tokyo on weekends. His work has been published several times while living in Japan, in both books and magazines, and most recently, my work has appeared in Sex + Design Magazine.

Q. As a fashion and lifestyle photographer what are some important tips anyone interested in modeling should know?

"I always tell models to practice the look they want to achieve in the mirror. Then, close their eyes and just feel how the facial and other muscles feel, and memorize it so they can create the look they want without having to look in a mirror during the shoot. Also, gathering photos that they'd like to recreate can be a great way to jumpstart creativity."

Picture taken by Thomas earlier this year of me.

Q. What do you look for when choosing a model? What attracts you?

"Personally, I look for youthfulness in the models I most enjoy shooting with. You don't have to be physically young, just have a certain youthfulness about you. I think my ideal is heavily influenced by the fashion I saw in Japan."

Picture taken by Thomas of my sister in one of my fashion designs~ Ostrich feather skirt

Q. What are some tips for anyone interested in photography?

" Just get a decent DSLR and start shooting! I'm completely self-taught, and my skills come from a lot of trial and error. It helps to have a favorite photographer whose style you can try to emulate. From there you can grow and find your own voice and style with your photography."

Q. You recently shot my beauty pageant headshots. What makes for a good glamour style headshot?

"The perfect beauty pageant or glamour shot is one that brings out the true, natural beauty of the person in the photo. i honestly feel that minimal editing is best, as a lot of glamour shots have a bit too much editing, where the person in the photo sometimes doesn't even fully resemble the actual person."

Thursday, October 24, 2013

How to be Red Carpet Glam

Miss Polonia, Egyptian Theatre

There are many tips and tricks to ensure a flawless appearance during your red carpet moment. The picture above is of myself at the opening gala of the Polish Film Festival Los Angeles at the Egyptian theatre in Hollywood, CA. 

  • Bleach your teeth! I use Tom's whitening tooth paste regularly and get ZOOM whitening from my dentist two time a year. I also touch up using a peroxide based gel. (This may sounds excessive, but I drink a LOT of coffee so this helps to combat any stains) Brush and floss before the red carpet, as you probably won't get a change to chew gum. 
  • Airbrush tan! But do it a few days before so that it does not ruin your outfit. 
  • Have a small clutch to pack your essentials of money, ID, phone and mints. (I didn't have time to chew gum, and think it is rude to be chewing away like a camel during an interview or when meeting new people). It is also best to go with someone who can hold your clutch while you walk the red carpet. 
  • SMILE! People will come up to you more, in my case everyone wanted a picture with me so I was smiling the entire time as I saw some people taking pictures from afar. 
  • Double up on foundation and concealer, contour and lighten especially under the eyes. I used two applications of finishing powder after my foundation set. 
  • Hire a driver! Depending on what your outfit is, the worst thing in the world is to have to take of your strappy high heels to drive yourself in a gown to an event. I use UBER's towncar service to drive me in an oversized SUV. Also the cars are equipped with phone chargers and mini water bottles. 
  • Have your dress fitted and hemmed. Choose something that will stand out, but also compliments the occasion. I chose this gown because the material was heavier bodied, and the color complimented the back drop. My gown did have a long train, which got very dirty and was stepped on. This will happen, choose a sturdier fabric or darker color if it bothers you.
  • Make sure that you are taped into your gown and it is not going anywhere. 
  • If you are wearing a tiara make sure it is sitting in the correct place and the combs are not showing in the back. As for the sash I would double tape it at the shoulder. 
Below are additional pictures from such a fun night!
Thanks to my sponsors POLAM Credit Union, Hellada Gallery and Polish Film Institute 

Pageant Jewlery Tips

The best advice I have received regarding pageant jewelry is to choose anything that will sparkle and catch the light for the judges when you are on stage. Your jewelry should not overpower our figure in your swimsuit, or distract from your face. Instead it should enhance your overall presentation. One pageant coordinator told me to only wear clear rhinestone jewelry. I don't think that this is avery good idea because too much rhinestone jewelry can look cheap and not complement the warm tones in your swimsuit or gown. 

For both swimsuit and evening gown a larger dropped chandelier is a must. I like something that incorporates or compliments the colors your are wearing. 

Royalty Earrings
Royalty Earrings $25 (Such a good price!)

For cocktail or evening gown portion of a pageant I would choose a wider bangle or cuff bracelet. Necklaces are harder to pull off depending on your dresses neckline. Even if you are wearing a strapless gown, having a necklace will distract from your collar bone, which I think showing is important.  These are two bracelet options I would choose, depending on your dress design. I love the Louisa May for a more simpler gown. The Cynthia is a staple I think everyone should have, it has both rhinestone and gold and looks luxurious. 

Louisa May Bracelet
Louisa May Bracelet  $23
Cynthia Bracelet
Cynthia Bracelet $22

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Cleanses, Diets and Flushes

In preparation for many important events I always turn to watching what goes into my body and making the best choices. There are many types of cleanses and diets I have tried, and I will only list a few. My favorite one is Kimberly Snyder’s green smoothie, which you can read about last.


The concept of a salt-water flush is to basically cleanse and flush your entire body of any toxic waste you may have stored. The ultimate effects are a cleaner colon. 

I never actually completed this because I threw up immediately after drinking ¼ of the salt-water solution you make with warm water.

I have heard that many runway models do salt water flushes at the same time as doing the master cleanse. I have also heard that this can be a very dangerous method of cleansing that is left as a last resort for people who get food poisoning. 

You can read about it more on this blog:

My alternative to salt-water would be drinking raw unfiltered Braggs apple cider spiked water once daily, or warm water with lemon.

2. Emergen-C

Increasing your consumption of the powdered vitamin solution has been known to improve weight loss and increase energy. I have heard that some of the Biggest Looser candidates were disqualified for overloading on Emergen-c. Personally I would not take this solely as a diet plan as the product still does contain sugar.

3. Juice Cleansing

I have tried juice cleansing on two different occasions. On both occasions I could only last for one whole day of cleansing before I felt extremely fatigued and could barely drive home from work. One cleanse I tried was the Suja cleanse system. I love the flavors of their bottled drinks, especially the cherry cayenne pepper flavor. The second occasion, was a cleanse made of fresh cold-pressed vegetables and fruits from Whole Foods. On both of these occasions I spent over $60 for one days worth of juice. I personally would suggest that if you do in fact choose to do the cleanse, prepare to take some time off of work and school in order to rest.

My alternative to juice cleansing would be to replace and solid snacks that you have throughout the day with a cold-pressed juice.

4. Starbucks Diet

I am guilty of this, and I know I am not the only city-dweller who eats, drinks and sometimes sleeps at Starbucks. I found this article about a woman who lost 85 pounds from strictly eating at Starbucks.

I have no complaints about this “diet”, it makes me really happy! My favorite items include: Venti Soy lattes, fruit cup, protein box and chicken and hummus. 

5. Kimberly Snyder’s Glowing Green Smoothie

I first read her book as recommended by a friend. Her goal is to eat to look and feel younger, have smoother skin and more energy. I personally have tried her suggested methods and have found that when I am consistent with the meals and planning I can drop 5-7 pounds. I have also found that my stomach looks the flattest following her method. Not only that but you can still eat, and the smoothies taste delicious. The only problem I have is that I am sometimes too busy to go grocery shopping, her method recommends using the freshest ingredients as possible, therefore you are constantly planning and preparing your meals.

***Please note I am not a nutritionist or doctor. These are all various things I have tried personally and I am only sharing my own experience. 

Interview with Julia Ahrens, Vegan Princess

I’m so excited and honored to interview one of my best friends from college, Julia Ahrens. We met in 2007 at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY. Since then Julia has found her roots as a passionate advocate of the vegan diet and lifestyle. ***

Julia Ahrens holds a degree in fashion design from Parsons The New School for Design. She has furthered her education by taking additional classes at the Fashion Institute of Technology and Pratt. She has worked and interned for various designers such as Zac Posen and Club Monaco, and has created garments that have walked the runway during New York Fashion Week. A vegetarian since she was eleven, now a vegan, Julia wants her contribution to fashion to be compassionate, avoiding the harm of traditional production methods and practices. She started her own women's clothing line, Miakoda, in February of 2013, which respects and protects the rights of animals, people, and the earth. She is passionate about preserving the New York fashion industry and fair labor practices. Miakoda is committed to producing all of their designs in a factory in NYC where all workers are treated well and paid fairly. Julia's goal is to dress people in ethical clothing that allows them to look good and feel good physically and mentally. Miakoda has been featured on,, Good Day Chicago,, and

Q. Describe to me what Miakoda is and what you do, your mission etc.

“Miakoda is an eco friendly and cruelty free fashion company. We design ethical clothing that is made in the USA with 100% compassionate and organic materials. No animals, people, or places are harmed during production. The mission behind Miakoda is to create an option in the market place for women to purchase clothing that makes them feel good both physically and mentally.”

Q. How has becoming vegan changed your lifestyle? Is there anything you miss?

“Going vegan completely changed my lifestyle—from the way I eat, to the activities I do, to the way I shop. Not only do I eat a vegan diet, but I practice veganism in all aspects of my life (fashion, beauty, etc). I no longer use any products that contain animal derived ingredients (including beeswax in chap stick) and don’t wear any animal fibers (wool, silk, fur, leather). I think that the hardest part about going vegan was giving up leather, wool, and silk. As a fashion major, shopping and following what the latest trends were was a huge part of my life. I would religiously stalk out my favorite (leather) shoes from each season. However, since going vegan, I’ve discovered so many incredible vegan companies (Bhava, Cri-de-Coeur, Krze Studio, Stella McCartney, just to name a few) that there is nothing that I miss.

Q. Tell me about some of your favorite vegan beauty products?

“Some of my favorite vegan makeup companies are Urban Decay (I love that they don’t test on animals and indicate what is vegan on their website), Tarte, ELF (the best deal—cheap, cruelty free, and quality!), and my new discovery Earth lab Cosmetics. My favorite skincare company is Simple Care Products. I use their conditioning oil to moisturize and remove my makeup. Hurraw is my favorite vegan lip balm company (incredible flavors!). And of course I love  Lush. Their bath bombs are to die for.”

Q. Tell me more about being vegan and what it means to you. What is the message you would like to send to anyone interested.

“Veganism means living a completely cruelty free lifestyle. Veganism means not exploiting animals, which inherently helps people and our planet. The biggest message that I would like to convey is that veganism, contrary to popular believe, isn’t about “forcing your ideas onto other people” or “giving up your favorite food.” It’s about living a more compassionate lifestyle towards all living beings. It’s about finding new favorites and trying new things—new foods, new makeup, new fashion to ensure that you are living a kind life that you feel good about.”

Q. How can becoming vegan help ones’ fitness, beauty pageant and looking your best?

When I first went vegan I had no idea how healthy it is. There are tons of documentaries and studies showing how a vegan diet is healthiest for the human body (for example: Forks Over Knives). I’ve seen so many health and fitness advocates telling people to increase their fruit and vegetable intake in order to be healthier. As a vegan, the majority of my diet consists of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Of course, it is possible to eat an unhealthy vegan diet (buying processed vegan food), but I have found for me, since going vegan I eat a healthier and cleaner diet which helps me to look and feel my best.

 You can learn more about Miakoda New York on the following sites and social media links!

[Please note that I personally am not 100% vegan. My diet does fluctuate depending on my work schedule. I typically tend to eat vegan during warmer summer months when my favorite fruits and veggies are in season. If I am working on any special projects and need to watch what I eat I turn to a goal of 50% raw vegan diet. I have found that this works best for my body type and does not bloat me in regards to my various food sensitivities and allergies.] 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Preparing for a bikini photoshoot

1. Dehydrate AT LEAST 24 hours before stop drinking water and any other type of beverage. I like to sip black coffee in the morning, and my body builder friends suggest sipping dandelion tea. 

2. Green Dieters Tea This is the last beverage I drink before dehydrating. This helps to detox and cleanse your body; and I would drink this with a few glasses of water. 

3. Airbrush tan I can't stress this enough, an airbrush tan will instantly make your frame look slimmer and highlight your muscle definition. There are some key areas that an expert airbrusher can accentuate --> abs, calf muscles, shoulders bones and hips. 

4. Heels Regardless of how you will be posing and the angle are a must. They help lift the bum and straighten out your thighs.  

5. Breath out air, this helps tighten you waist! 

Blow Outs

My favorite blow out service is Dry Bar! 
They have consistently done an amazing job with my hair and are always extra careful when I am wearing extensions. 

Recently I used their Dry on the Fly service in Manhattan. 
Their prices vary, but for a standard blow out is $95 (not including tip). Visting their salon for a blowout costs on average $40. 

 My stylist Ashley was the sweetest! She arrived right on time at at 8 AM and got down to business. My curls were left individually pinned in order to retain their shape and build volume. The style I normally choose is called the "Southern comfort". 

After taking it down, I did need to run my hands through it and separate the curls in order to build volume. 

Shampoo twice in order to have the cleanest bounciest hair.

You can maintain the blowout with dry shampoo and a hitting your roots with a blow dryer the next couple of days. 

Because of my extensions I have to braid my hair every night, or tie it up so that they do not knot. 

Always be prepared to fix your extensions with extra tape, pieces, or clips. Three of my pieces came out, and needed to be retaped. (I wear 22" seamless weft). 

Pageant Shoes

The best and official Miss Universe swimwear pageant shoe I have found on the market is the Tippy Top from Chinese Laundry. I found these after an endless search at the Beverly Center. They retail for $79.95

The ultimate goal of a pageant shoe is to find something that does not wear you, but can accentuate you figure. These were designed to elongate the leg, the shade is standard, but the platform makes the 6" heel very bearable. 

I purchased my pair a 1/2 size smaller then what I would normally wear to ensure a close fit. Even after my custom airbrush tan I felt like the beige color was dark enough for my skin tone. What I like most about this style is that is it simple and classic enough to wear again and again!